Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Oriental Face Reading

A very useful diagnostic tool is oriental face reading. TCM theory offers the opportunity to see the condition of a patient's internal organs and overall strength just by looking at thier face. Naturally, a practitioner will also cross-check these findings using other diagnostics such as pulse and tongue readings, questioning the patient and palpation.
The Face from top to bottom:

Fontanelle: Shows the condition of kidney essence
Ridged- (kidney) excess condition
Collapsed- (kidney) deficient condition

Hair and Hairline: Shows the condition of the blood
Thick and lusterous- Strong, rich blood
Dry and brittle- Body fluid deficiency
Falls out easily- blood deficiency
Early greying- Liver blood deficiency
Falls out suddenly in clumps- Blood deficiency affected by wind

Forehead: Intestines and Liver
Horizontal lines across forehead- Dry, deficient intestines, tendancy towards constipation or diarhea
Vertical lines between eyebrows- Liver stagnation, stress, excess liver toxicity

Eyes: All organs' pure jing (stored essence, pre or post-natal) qi reflected
Bright and sparkling- Jing is uninjured and strong
Stiff, unflexible- Deficient jing or wind obstruction
Red sclera- Heat
Cloudy sclera- Dampness
Purplish sclera- Liver wind
Yellow sclera- liver toxicity
Gray, baggy eye sockets- Kidney qi deficiency
Protruding eyes- Heat with mucous, excess yang

Ears: All the meridians connect to the ear (extensive information can be found in the book "Auriculotherapy Manual, 2nd or 3rd edition)
Dry, contracted, grey/ black- Exhausted kidney jing (essential energy)
Red- Heat or wind
Purple- cold, deficient
Pus- Damp-heat in gallbladder
Ear lobes- Full, pendulous indicates that jing is strong
Small, thin, undeveloped indicate that jing is deficient

Nose: Lungs, Heart, Large Intestine & Stomach
Nostrils Moving- Lung heat
Dry nostrils- General heat or dryness
Scorched, black nostrils- Extreme heat
Red- Heat
Red and Swollen- Stomach and spleen damp, heat or congealed blood (sometimes due to excess alcohol)
White- Qi deficiency
Shiny white- Food stagnation

Cheeks: Heart, Lungs, Spleen
Red- Heart or Lung heat (deficient or excess)
Gray- Lung degenerative condition due to toxin/ compromised respiration
Sagging- Spleen qi deficiency

Mouth: Spleen, Kidneys
Shrivelled or wrinkled philtrum- degenerated sex organs (kidney qi and essence deficiency)
Pale- Deficient, cold spleen
Red- Heat
Dry, scorched- Heat injuring fluids
Blue/ green- Cold, pain
Purplish- cold/ congealed blood
Chapped, cracked- Stomach heat
Mouth askew- Wind
Teeth: Kidneys, Excess of Bone
Dry- Stomach heat
Red or swollen gums- St. fire or kidney yin deficiency with fire rising
Grinding- Deficient fire
Infected- Excessive fire

Chin: Strong, well-proportioned, prominent, expresses strong jing & will

Skin: Primarily expresses Shen, Lungs, Spleen
Withered- Injured Fluids
Swollen- Fluid Stagnation
Rashes, raised- Heat, wind invasion
Boils- Fire poisoning
Pimples- heat due to excess combined with wei deficiency
Pale- Blood deficiency
Flushed- Heat
Waxy- Excess oils with spleen deficiency

The above lists are only a representative example of TCM facial diagnosis. There is much more detail and complexity. I think it's fascinating.

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