Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Aging Well

Anti-aging seems to be the new buzz-phrase for those wishing to optimize thier well-being and appearance after middle age. Can we ever really stop aging without dying? What is it everyone's really after?
It seems to me that the main goal of a well-balanced personality is most likely to age "well"; meaning feeling good, being physically and mentally active, and finally coming to that place in your life where you allow your own innate beauty to shine through. Finally accepting your personal beauty and uniqueness without feeling a need to compare yourself to the average.
I have been reading lately that plastic surgery is going out of vogue (finally), or at least the plastic surgery look is "out". This including the obvious bottle blonde, excessively breasted, pumped lipped, startled eyed, pulled-backed fleshed worshippers of a certain ideal. I read one blog (can't recall the link) that stated "if you want to look over 70, get a facelift". Wow, maybe the tide is turning.
I honestly believe that physical and mental health is the answer to aging well. And those things that add to quality of life are continuous lifelong learning, new experiences, positive relationships with others and development of skills. Travel, develop a personal discipline that makes you happy, offer a hand up to others and honor your body.